Conditions We Treat
MLS Laser Therapy is a safe, comfortable, and effective treatment for many conditions.- Achilles Tendonitis
- Ankle Pain
- Ankle Sprain
- Arm Pain
- Arthritis
- Back Pain
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Cervical Radicular Pain
- Disc Herniation
- Jaw Pain
- Foot Pain
- Golfers Elbow
- Headache
- Hip Arthritis
- Hip Bursitis / ITB Syndrome
- Knee Arthritis
- Knee Pain
- Knee Sprain
- Leg Pain
- Metatarsalgia
- Neck Pain
- Patella Pain
- Peripheral Neuropathy (Diabetic/Nerve)
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Rib Pain
- Sacroilliac Sprain
- Sciatica
- Shoulder Pain
- Spinal Stenosis
- Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
- Tennis Elbow
- Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
- Thoracic Pain
- TMJ Dysfunction
- Wrist Pain
Explanations of Treatment
Below are descriptions of what the laser will do for certain conditionsBack Pain
- Decreases pain and inflammation
- Accelerates healing of soft tissues
- Accelerates healing of disc and nerve root
- Decreases thickening of hypertrophic
- Reduces chance of having back surgery
- Pain in the buttocks and down the thigh and leg (below the level of the knee)
- Most often due to disc herniation and degenerative arthritis
- Results in numbness, pain, and muscular weakness
- Laser therapy is the safest, most effective treatment for nerve pathology

Lumbar Pain

Leg Tendonitis
- Nerve pathology secondary to impaired circulation (Diabetes, chemotherapy, medications, degenerative vascular disease).
- Symptoms include; pain, burning, numbness, tingling, loss of balance.
- Only several medications available to treat the symptoms, nothing available to address the root cause.
- Laser therapy increases blood flow (vasodilation and neo-capillary growth) decreases pain and inflammation, as well as accelerates the healing of the peripheral nerve endings.
- Arthritis is a form of joint disorder that involves the inflammation of one or more joints.
- There are over 100 types of arthritis
- Laser therapy has been clinically shown to decrease inflammation in the joints, increasing blood flow to the areas of arthritis leading to an overall decrease in pain and inflammation
Post Operative Pain
- Strong antimicrobial effect means less infection post operative.
- Decreased scar tissue formation
- Less pain/ less activity intolerance
- Increased collagen and fibroblast growth means stronger tensile strength.
- Decrease post operative rehabilitation by 30%-50%.
Disc Herniations
- Damage to outer layers of disc (annular fibers) resulting in the migration of gelatinous material (Nucleus Pulpous) to the periphery which can result in neurological symptoms.
- Traditional treatments aim to decrease inflammation (epidural injections) and surgical removal of damaged disc material.
- Laser therapy is the only treatment which safely helps to control inflammation as well as actually heal the outer fibers of the damaged disc!
- Laser therapy can actually increase the tensile strength of the outer fibers of the disc making it stronger, more resilient.

Hip Pain